Sylvester Cologne

This is definitely one of the most promising shows I've seen in a while. Certainly the most promising high-school show I've seen since freaks & geeks. It kind of felt like they put a season's worth of plot into one episode, I'm interested to see where this goes. I just hope it goes more than the 18

Chopping Mall
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that movie. I saw it by accident when I was 6 or 7 and it scared the hell out of me. Then watching it now it's the cheesiest gore-fest I've ever seen.

Dog Soldiers
Dog Soldiers is a really fun movie. I wouldn't recommend that anyone out there go buy it, but it's definitely worth putting it on your Netflix Queue.

TJ Trufflehoofers? (Try the fentoozler!) if anyone gets that reference, then you are awesome, and spend too much time watching MST3K

What What What!?
I think I really missed the change in Fox's Sunday lineup when American Dad became the funniest most consistent show they have. Everyone knows the Simpsons have been on the skids for years and Family Guy hasn't been funny/consistent since the third season. I admittedly love KOTH, mostly for it's

Season 2
I thought this was definitely one of the best episodes of season 2. The acting was excellent and I did find Jesse's stupidity to be very believable. Also, the directing (by Michelle MacLuren I believe?) was top-notch in this episode. I'm intrigued to see where what happens with the remission in Walt's

(to the replies)


Font During the Dance Number
I was horrified to see that they used comic sans font on the jumbo idol-tron during the opening dance number, so I had to get in a plug for www.bancomicsans.com

Bleep Blorp
Frost/Nixon, The Wrestler, AND whatever the hell iCarly is? what a time to be alive.

Crappy B Plots
The Lisa B Story in this episode of the Simpsons was the worst I've seen in a long-long line of terrible Simpson B-stories.