
No, really
This means I've got to see THREE more of these things with my wife. Aww fuck!

@ Jorge - my attempt at sarcastic humor = FAIL. Thanks for the info so everyone reading this knows.

Obviously he incites riots. Good trade now a days. Certainly more credible that being in the music industry.

Time warp - look he's still a douche in his 20s!!

@ Skunk Ape - he's Canadian. Let the Kiwi's have the lesbian (and not Lady Gaga, we all know she's a dude).

From the Onion - "National Science Foundation: Science Hard"

Jorge, isn't that where you change the data to fit the hypothesis? Or is it that you change the hypothesis to fit the data. I always get those confused.

Props to Enkidum!

@Mexican - the James D. Sargent listed above is an actual medical doctor. However, I still find the whole causation/correlation reasoning weak. You know what they call the douche who graduates last in his medical class - doctor.

Statistics - mean whatever the hell you want them to

Blah - poor choice of spermicide, but what the hell