Leave The Bronx

Genji:  If you don't want to watch TV, that's fine with me.  It's obnoxious to brag about it, that's all.  And now someone saying 'I don't own a TV' does not at all mean 'I don't watch TV' as it would have 10+ years ago, so the claim has gotten even more asinine.

Okay, I really don't believe that anyone does this anymore.  Streaming media has obviated the need for a television for a lot of people. It was already gauche when people would have DVDs of TV series but claim to not own a television, now it's just senseless.

Jeselnik was an English major in college.

I guess I'm the only person who found the setup to the Tommyknockers fascinating even though the payoff was bad.

I believe PFT, either in character or out, alluded to the fact that Cake Boss is retired.

Cake Boss is very funny but seems very one note to me - I think Andrew Lloyd Webber and Garry Marshall combine Paul F Tompkins' love of shouting with his love of wordplay and references.

'Yeah, I've got a case of the Mondays, but I also have five cases of Canadian Club'

I think that's thrift in the face of uncertainty.  If you know that show biz work is often temporary and you think financial windfalls in the business are random, wouldn't you save as much money as you could for a rainy day?

I'm afraid that by the lack of comments these articles receive that they will go away, but I found this all very interesting.  Entertainment careers are often undertaken by the most profligate of personality types - I wonder how some of the more prudent ones act knowing that money around at 30 won't necessarily be

Can someone ask Kareem whatever happened to his search for Nazi gold?  I have many other questions about the Colbert Report circa 2009, but this one is clearly the most pressing and relevant.

Uninteresting fact:  William VanLandingham was also the name of an SF Giants pitcher at the time this sketch was written, so I always wondered who the baseball fan was in the writer's room who slipped that in.

1:  Flying Circus episodes are slightly longer.

I am always waiting for the part in a New Order song where the lead singer apologizes for singing a terrible rhyme, and it never comes.

Also Les got it wrong above - Kumail said 'For all intensive purposes' which is a fun malapropism, and the fact that the other characters never commented on it made it funnier.

Wait, do you mean that Smartest Man… is edited?  (I've never gotten this sense) or that because the crowd isn't mic'd, you get a one-sided version of Greg conversing with members in the audience?

Everything you think applies to Tony could easily be applied to the viewer watching Tony.  The notion of ripping life away, the notion of not hearing it coming, etc.

Everything you think applies to Tony could easily be applied to the viewer watching Tony.  The notion of ripping life away, the notion of not hearing it coming, etc.

It is not surprising at all that the 'Tony's dead, and anyone else who says otherwise is an idiot' crowd interpreted that Chase comment as they did.  Hilarious that Master of Sopranos would add it to the canon.

It is not surprising at all that the 'Tony's dead, and anyone else who says otherwise is an idiot' crowd interpreted that Chase comment as they did.  Hilarious that Master of Sopranos would add it to the canon.

Uh, I believe that's M. Emmet Walsh…who thankfully is not dead.