
I like the fact that even Chinese directors assume that white Americans won't want to watch an action-adventure monster movie with a Chinese lead. So Zhang Yimou is basically acknowledging that Americans are too racist to handle a non-white lead. Why is no one outraged about that?

The funny thing about that is In-N-Out sources their beef from industrial cattle farms where the cow are packed so close together that they can't even move and have to stand in their own shit all day. I've read Yasha Levine's piece that says you can tell how close you are to these farms by the smell. The only reason

A high IQ doesn't mean they can't be stupid. Whenever a cult commits mass suicide it always turns out half of them were engineers or PhDs.

Only if it costs more than regular secret sauce.

The average person is teabagged in their sleep twice by the time they're 70. Have you ever woken up and your mouth tasted like ass? There you go.

Those two things are related. Cereal was invented to reduce the sinful urges that lead to masturbation (not kidding, look up the history of Kellogg's), which leads to less sex.

You want terrible, try their spaghetti. Sweet ketchup spaghetti sauce, why not?

I don't even remember the last time I had a Big Mac. Maybe high school? That doesn't mean I don't occasionally eat at McDonald's; I just order a Junior Chicken or something else off the "Value" menu which I think you Americans know it as the dollar menu. Yes, I am a millenial and we are all broke. (I also collect

The good thing about Cards Against Humanity is that it's on a Creative Commons License so you can download the cards for free from the company's website and print your own set.

Most of my friends are non-native English speakers or grew up in other countries so they either have no ideas who the celebrities in the cards are or they don't get why a particular combination is funny. We played one game and that was it. My bootleg version of Dixit was more fun.

Nah, it's gonna be Tilda Swinton.

Plus when there's white people in anime they look so strange compared to the other, "normal" (read: Japanese) characters. The white characters are almost grotesque with their big noses, blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Not really, it's because in a white-centric culture like ours, 'white' is considered the neutral or default race. To Japanese those characters are Japanese.

Wasn't there a thing about the live action Mulan shoehorning in a white guy as the love interest? There's still plenty of ways for Hollywood to be racist even if they have an Asian actress.

Really? I'm only on episode 3. Something to look forward to!

It's pronounced "Ir-dragon-n Fist"

Yeah, sorry, I misunderstood.

I hope there's a recurring joke where the others keep calling Ghost Rider for a ride.

Garth Enning made him a sniper in Punisher: Born but I don't remember if he was Force Recon. Probably yes, since he's supposed to be an ex-SpecOps guy.

International Fight A Taco Day! I'm all for this as long as 'taco' isn't a racist code word for 'Mexican'.