
I remember hearing that baseball never fully recovered from the 94 strike, even with the PED sluggers that came after.

Lol'd at seeing Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth. I thought it was all real!!

"And yes, exactly: If the relationship is intolerable for her, why does he recommend that she remain in it?"

Take him away, toys

"Carol, it's so good to see you! Why are you dressed in rags and sitting on the street corner?"

Will AV Club be reviewing Hell on Wheels on a weekly basis? The show got monumentally better in season 3

I followed idiotking's advice and went for that job interview in Chicago last week. They told me upfront that it would be a few weeks before any decisions were made.

I don't recall the specifics of my own profile, it's since been deleted. I don't really mind going on at least one date with any girl, but I'd feel like I was being lead on if they were keeping their intentions a secret for a set number of future dates.

Demon Knights was my second favorite of the New 52 comics, right behind Wonder Woman. What a shame it didn't catch on with readers.

Basically it comes down to who's idea it was. If the writer/artist said, "Let's change this character's gender/ethnicity" then that's all good and well.

What bugs me are the ones where it would actually make sense to get a guest writer. Like last week's question about the implications of hiring someone that the letter-writer previously had sex with. Dan could have found a lawyer or hr person to give correct advice.

A thousand times this. Dan is recommending "lying by omission" for a couple of dates, and then revealing one's true intentions after the person has made an investment (time, emotion, money spent on dates, etc).

The most frustrating part is that I've seen stuff like that work.

Dan's recommending a lie of omission by holding back the open relationship discussion until a few dates in. "oh, hey, now that you've made a small time/emotional investment in me, I can reveal the real me."

Lest we forget, they made a Funky Winkerbean movie back around 2000. It kept the same upbeat & fun-loving tone of the comics. They just renamed the title to "Requiem for a Dream."

Given that EA is only utilizing 4 games for the subscription package suggests something else - this may be essentially a beta test to work out all of the kinks, bugs, and infrastructure required in coding a subscription software for large-file-size games. They could then license it out to other companies, like Sony,

I like snark as much as the next guy, but not when it overwhelms the whole article. Tone that shit down Teti.

Maybe it was Bruce Willis?

I think I may have to read all of the books again before whenever the 6th one comes out. I can't recall who half these people are

Oh, and speaking of that shampoo - in the US, keto is an active ingredient of Nizoral shampoo, which you should be able to find at walmart or target.