Dr. Ma

Canceraids for you! (Is that still a thing here? God, I'm old…)

I don't think you SHOULD watch this show. There are so many better ways to spend 42 minutes of your life. But, if you're tired after a long Tuesday, and find yourself into your second or third bourbon after The Flash, and are sitting on the couch and wondering if you shouldn't stay up till ten to have another drink,

I think so, too. I hope the finale will have everyone in costumes trying to kill each other at the same time.

Not everything is about your Wednesday night masturbation-fest!

But what's the plan to move it? How do you move a decaying corpse? And if the head falls off (it's been over a year now in the show's timeline, right? Last season + 6 months…), does the Lazarus Pit put it back on?

Dude, you'd be surprised what a good pedicure can do for your need to murder people.

R.I.P. Ollie's wig, but I'm glad to be back on Lianyu in the flashbacks. I like the direction this is going. The reversal this season (Oliver going light, everyone else spinning dark) is refreshing. I've always felt Willa Holland was a surprisingly strong actress when given decent material, and she's great as a team


I once dated a woman whose brother had my name. No a big deal. Except sometimes when we were going at it, she'd talk dirty to me and call me by her older brother's nickname. It was… slightly disturbing.

Agreed. Maybe it's his snot locker, but he has a kind of classic look, like he just stepped out of the 40's.

Yeah, the profile was very cool. They could have tightened up the shot of it walking, to give it more menace, but it was a cool costume design.

I have to agree with Number Six. You gotta watch it. The review is a little harsher than I would have been. I thought it was most solid episode of SNL I've seen in quite a while.

Jesus that was funny.

Agreed about the two parters. Way more opportunities for good storytelling, character moments, etc.

I have to agree with the review on one point: It's one of the better stories in a while, start to finish. I really enjoyed the fuck out of it.

I was going to say the opposite: I was gratified that they were so easy to avoid. I honestly don't give two shits what any of them have to say. It's all "argle-bargle argle-bargle Obama Obama [foaming mouth]" at this point.

Sorry Waffles! I hope things get better soon.


Assuming there isn't anything unusual about the power dynamic (for example, although you are both students, are you her supervisor?), there's nothing to lose here, so ask her out! But I second what other people have suggested about going casual and not building it up. A drink, coffee, or inexpensive and low key dinner

All in all, as a romcom, it was limited of course, but I thought it was better than the average bear. It mixed things up enough to feel fresh. There were a few well done gender reversals, like Hader embodying a character arc more traditionally represented by female characters in these movies, with James filling the