Kings of Craplon

Meanwhile they practically have an entire channel dedicated to reruns of The Big Bang Theory. I thought Brits were supposed to be connoisseurs of high-class humor or something.

Meanwhile they practically have an entire channel dedicated to reruns of The Big Bang Theory. I thought Brits were supposed to be connoisseurs of high-class humor or something.

More than anything else, it's depressing that these people have a forum where they receive positive feedback for their imbecilic rants. I can imagine what they consider "debate" to be like, "should the Game of Thrones producers be executed, or merely imprisoned for life?"

More than anything else, it's depressing that these people have a forum where they receive positive feedback for their imbecilic rants. I can imagine what they consider "debate" to be like, "should the Game of Thrones producers be executed, or merely imprisoned for life?"

I wouldn't say it's better than Seasons 2 or 3, but I'm pretty sure it was equal for me. It had plenty of "Holy shit, now THIS is happening?!?" moments that made the other seasons great, as well as my favorite one liners from both Jesse ("Now give me my phyinasenic acid, asshole") and Mike ("Thanks for the drink").

I wouldn't say it's better than Seasons 2 or 3, but I'm pretty sure it was equal for me. It had plenty of "Holy shit, now THIS is happening?!?" moments that made the other seasons great, as well as my favorite one liners from both Jesse ("Now give me my phyinasenic acid, asshole") and Mike ("Thanks for the drink").

I wish I could go back in time to about 3 minutes ago when I had never heard of freerepublic.com. That link was horrifying.

I wish I could go back in time to about 3 minutes ago when I had never heard of freerepublic.com. That link was horrifying.

Fuck civility. Who the hell doesn't like season 4 of Breaking Bad? That is criminally insane.

Fuck civility. Who the hell doesn't like season 4 of Breaking Bad? That is criminally insane.

If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit!

If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit!

The thing that makes me hate BBT more than anything else is the absurdly overzealous laugh track. I am too used to shows that allow me to gauge humor myself, that I find it extremely irritating whenever the laugh track/audience finds something funny that I didn't. It's like one of those annoying coworkers who's like

Whether or not this song is a parody, which did come to mind when I watched it, seems a little besides the point because it sucks. It's like killing someone than saying, "Hahaha just kidding, I like that guy." You still did an awful thing, with or without ironic intentions.

Whether or not this song is a parody, which did come to mind when I watched it, seems a little besides the point because it sucks. It's like killing someone than saying, "Hahaha just kidding, I like that guy." You still did an awful thing, with or without ironic intentions.

Are you one half of the Eastern European cat & mouse duo "Worker and Parasite"? I admire your dedication.

Are you one half of the Eastern European cat & mouse duo "Worker and Parasite"? I admire your dedication.

@avclub-63c34979acf3fe9ef1f8faa3f43ca5f7:disqus but Jerry is 50% of Milicent. The only way to get her back is to date Jerry.

@avclub-63c34979acf3fe9ef1f8faa3f43ca5f7:disqus but Jerry is 50% of Milicent. The only way to get her back is to date Jerry.

I sort of agree with both sides of this argument. On the one hand, women have many talents other than looking hot, and should be recognized for them. On the other hand, I occasionally enjoy the nerdy-construction-worker type banter around here in moderation, and don't think it should taken all that seriously.