So far O'Neal and MIB are the only two people I've heard correctly analyze this situation. Which is sad because God knows how many have tried. Perhaps it is telling that neither of them are political pundits.
So far O'Neal and MIB are the only two people I've heard correctly analyze this situation. Which is sad because God knows how many have tried. Perhaps it is telling that neither of them are political pundits.
The worst part about Limbaugh's apology was that he claimed a brief moment of hysteria made him "act like a liberal" when he was very clearly acting like Rush Limbaugh.
^^I agree with this guy. Also thanks to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for teaching me about carets.
I have to admit, I was sort of wasting my time even before this guy showed up.
Another factor is that they are relatively close to syndication, which only sweetens the pot for NBC since they own it.
This comment makes much more sense, because the entire 1st season was much lower in quality than the subsequent ones. I doubt anyone on earth says of Parks and Rec: "It's not as bad as you might think!"
This one seemed like an easy A to me, but maybe being relatively disappointed in the last 2 had something to do with that. This was my favorite since the hilarious Campaign Ad.
Hahaha, you're gonna be waiting a loooooong time, Toadal Douche … crap I always screw up that part.
Occasional commenter, for me the super hate is mostly to do with the number of Whitney ads I was forced to endure. At one point nearly everywhere I went on the Internet would have huge banner ads all over there shit like WHITNEY WHITNEY WHITNEY WHITNEY!!!!! I assumed everyone else noticed this too, but maybe the…
I though Kid Rock liked to "smoke funny things" because he rhymed that with "tryin different things" in one of his songs. Although Kid Rock is quite the poet I don't think Romney would approve!
I don't think Fallon really deserves that company. This isn't really an endorsement of Jimmy Fallon so much as a more emphatic criticism of the others you mentioned.
I know it's just an expression, but it sounds like you do not dislike Dane Cook as much as the next guy.
And NBC for a Nobel Peace Prize once they cancel this show.
I'd like to nominate Sean O'Neal for the Pulitzer prize, in case someone hasn't already.
I would agree with that. I mean, I hate the style of music you're describing, but obviously some people like it, and I imagine these folks would be more than satisfied with Katy Perry.
A few Captain Obvious points here:
To me, it doesn't really matter whether or not he officially endorsed Rick Santorum. Any opinion of Rick Santorum other than "I fucking hate him with all of my soul" is offensive to me.
The fact that this show embodies everything I hate about modern TV makes me think they are probably onto something. Between the Grammys, Rick Santorum, and now this crap, things I hate are getting increasingly popular this week.