McRibbed For Her Pleasure

That Stevie Wonder clip is just about the best thing I have seen on the interwebs. And boobs.

Tamiflu Baker

Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear.

Kindly refrain from enjoying original thought, Mr Foley, as it encourages a burning sensation in my genital area.

By following the rules of the Film Actors Guild, the world can become a better place …that handles dangerous people with talk, and reasoning. That… is the F.A.G. way. One day you will all look at the world us actors created and say, "Wow, good goin', F.A.G.! You really made the world a better place, didn't ya, F.A.G.?

The book…
…was a steaming pile. The movie at least has a hot chick in it.

Abe's buddy, old jewish guy
I want some taquitos.