
My mind immediately connected this episode to the story of the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz stories. Now that I think about it, the theme is pretty similar to the episode where Fry gets worms: how much can you upgrade before you're not really you anymore?

Is Lily really supposed to be a vampire? Her demonic ethnicity was always a mystery to me, but I assumed she was a zombie (she sleeps like a dead person at a funeral). Everyone is a different monster cliche & just because her dad is a vampire doesn't necessarily make her one (vampire/zombie + Frankenstein's monster =

Is Lily really supposed to be a vampire? Her demonic ethnicity was always a mystery to me, but I assumed she was a zombie (she sleeps like a dead person at a funeral). Everyone is a different monster cliche & just because her dad is a vampire doesn't necessarily make her one (vampire/zombie + Frankenstein's monster =

I agree on some points, but disagree about the entire season being lackluster/boring/predictable. I was surprised at this season's lack of sewing challenges, too, but enjoyed that there were more challenges about creating a character and performing (wrestling, political campaign, etc). While I like the staple

Agreed about the vagueness of the challenge. There was no consensus among the queens as to whether they should be serious or funny. Dida even said out-loud how confused she was. I think if Chad had made less of a joke out of her performance, she would have won. Her delivery was as strong as Sharon's, just the wrong

Truth. I meant it more in the way that Chad seems to treat everyone's issues more direly than they actually seem. I feel as though she plays up how touched and moved by things she is for the cameras and it kinda shows. Still think she's the tops, though.

As of now, I'm assuming that only people from Regina's world/kingdom were affected by her spell, leaving the inhabitants of Wonderland, Oz, etc in tact. So while Jefferson (didn't get the reference until reading the comments and I love it) was physically in Wonderland, he is still a citizen of her world and became

The lack of similarity doesn't bother me so much as the pictures don't even look like storybook illustrations. They just look like photos with the 'stained glass' filter (or something of the sort) on them. I'd rather the pictures in Henry's book look less like the people in Storybrooke and more like hand-drawn

At first I agreed with the 'diet pill' theory (the puking, the parting comment about his 28" waist), but I think the 'isolation breach' theory makes more sense. On some recap, someone (I thought it was Willam, but I could very well be wrong) mentioned that one of the perks of being a California queen in this