
I think ending sooner rather than later would be in the show's favor. As mentioned before, for a good show FNL has more than its share of characters and plots that make me shake my head. How can I recommend a show with characters like JD's dad in it?

JD's dad is one of those cringe-inducing elements that always make me a little hesitant to choose FNL from the DVR.

The Wire isn't all it's cracked up to be. Like FNL, the acting and casting were great, the production was first rate, but it spread itself too thin and the 5th season was dreadful. I imagine FNL may end in a similar fashion.

We assuage our middle-class guilt by rooting for the plucky underdogs who try so earnestly to succeed against the odds The Man has stacked against them.

One Decemberists album seems like plenty to me. I know because I have 2.

Exactly - but I thought that the winning play, while he called it without hearing Coach's phone call, was the same one that Coach would have called. In other words, they both saw the defense doing the same thing, and both called for the same play.

There isn't much to comment on with this show. The comments section is more of a love fest.

Also, that photo at the top is Stringer Bell, not Charles Miner, right?

Has no one used "Charles in Charge" as a subject yet?
As someone who has grown tired of The Office, and especially of Michael Scott, I felt like Charles was acting on my behalf in this episode. It was refreshing to have him come in and react to the office's inhabitants the way I have recently. [Why do I still watch?…

What about "Your Favorite Music"?
First, that is an unfortunate photo of a very talented man. If American Apparel tries to tackle the late-30-something market, I think they've found their star model.

It's okay if movie criticism involves things that don't matter to 90% of moviegoers because 99% of movie-goers don't give a crap what any critic has to say. I'm the opposite. I read movie reviews, but I don't go to the movies.

Auction Catalog as Novel (or vice versa)
I recommend "Important Artifacts…" It looks like a gimmick (because it is a gimmick, plus it has testimonials from both Dave Eggers and Sarah Vowell on the back), but it really is clever and fun to read.

They're not train geeks, they're railfans.

Herschel Walker was one of the great athletic talents of recent times. For him to be reduced to being on this show is sad, but I guess it's nice that he has the opportunity to cash in.

Haven't we all seen enough cop shows to know that the coroner easily would have seen that Locke's death was a result of strangulation and not of hanging?

Damn right.

Kate isn't pregnant. Aaron came to the island inside Claire. To get as close to that as possible for the return flight, Kate ate him.

@Retro: Sweet pic. Mos def.

Assuming I didn't know it was going to be my last meal, in which case I doubt I'd be in the mood for eating, a cheeseburger just barely gets the nod over a BLT.

This is the first I've heard about the Frugal Gourmet's alleged issues. I'm glad I didn't hear of them before because I always loved his show.