Johannes Kepler

Employers generally have a right to fire at any time for any reason, but if the termination breaches another term of the contract, such as an implied duty of good faith, or it is otherwise illegal, such as where the grounds for dismissal are discriminatory under statute, there is a cause of action.

I think I'm missing a "where" in there.

She is alleging wrongful termination as well. I'd imagine that would be the bulk of the damages would come from, if proven.

I wouldn't mind if she slapped me around a little bit.

Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing pure fucking owns.

Illegal cock in the back (door) - 10 yard penalty.

I had a dream recently where Seinfeld was playing Hitler, except he didn't have a mustache, but everyone called him Hitler, so he must have been Hitler. It was strange as I usually don't have dreams related to either pop culture or Hitler. Anyways, I think that show would have much more potential then

It would become the property of the website if there is a contract in which we are required to assign or license the copyright. For instance, if AVC had terms of use or required us to agree to terms and conditions upon becoming registered members, then it would be the case that they own our comments. Lots of websites

All my work is now public domain, so I have to bring in the cash in whatever way I can.

If this book is real
I demand authorship credit and 1% of the profits for the use of any of my comments and the comments of any other of my identities that I do not officially acknowledge.

I doubt they'll be released at the same time. These films will surely be dueling for Oscars.

I remember really enjoying the Disney version when I was a kid. I think I watched it about a dozen times. I can't say whether it holds up or not. I really loved Major Payne too, after all.

You may like them. You will see. You may like them in a tree.

That bothers me too. When I was growing up I at least had a sense of the major touchstones of popular culture over the previous several decades, even if I wasn't overly familiar with a lot of it. I didn't have the internet and my parents never introduced me to much of anything, but I still knew a lot about past

Harbinger, I'm hoping that it's only because the older commenters have gone to bed and therefore the average will be moving up come morning.

Quite a bit of "Out of Time", notably "Losing My Religion" and "Country Feedback", stands easily among their best work, but it also has its low points.

1571…er, 1984

According to his sister, he scored very well on the Wonderlic test.

I see you've learned your lesson.

too bad
They should have given the role to Andy Battaglia. He needs the work.