Johannes Kepler

I'm happy to see this show. As a Canadian, for a long time I've hoped to see Shaun Majumder not be funny in front of a wider audience.

The characters on Family Guy are too one-dimensional to carry a show on their own.

I wouldn't call it garbage, but it is pretty tepid.

Like I always say , "Proof reading, schmroof reading"

I'd like to imagine that "Cinderella and the Boob" consists of an hour and a half giant boob chasing Cinderella a la "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex…"

I buy very few records that can be characterized as punk anymore (and for that matter I don't buy that much indie rock either). I love the punk records that I own, but I don't see much appeal in in most punk from the last 20 years.

You know what I want?
More Cheeba

Chet Atkins
I want that song to be my soundtrack. It would be perfect for a jaunt, a stroll or even an amble.

Just to clarify, my comment in no way is meant to imply that I think Lenny Kravitz is any good.

And you guys don't do it?
Why even listen to music by established artists when pre-conceived notions are all you need.

You might think it's an awkward sentence, but I'm really not sure how old I am.

I Madeline
All this talk about Clue around here lately has rekindled by crush on Madeline Kahn. Oh, how I love her. It's kind of surprising, as I'm only 23, I guess.

I guess I shouldn't have read the article first. At least I beat Darby.

Fucking Stonecutters
They gave us this guy, hold back the electric car and are responsible for the fact that Crash won fucking best picture.

So you mean he likes the ol' Night Boat up the canal?

You cut the Brady Bunch Kids???
Fuck You.

Sid and Nancy
Why can they show Bonnie and Clyde being shot to death and not show the respective ends of Sid and Nancy. That would be comic gold.