devo without knowing

i'm sad to say that i totally see it going that way. they've been building carol up so much that i think she's gonna end up sacrificing herself to save beth. i don't know if beth will ever be a badass. i think they're just kind of showing how desensitized she is and trying to stay.

that's why she explained the culture of the place. to make beth understand that she had to service them. she may not have said it in dumb english but it was OUT THERE.

he made my brain hurt with all that non-logic. great try tho.

that whole lollipop scene was completely lost on you, wasn't it? also, his claimed ownership of joan was a clear give away.

rape. the thing you didn't really get was all that rape. you know, which is wrong. and terrible. and also pretty fucking painful. sex slave shouldn't be an option in the zombie world no matter how much food and electricity there is offered..

yes! i like the way michonne is unfolding as a genuine character with complex feelings AND a sense of humor. and carol is turning out to be so strong. it's a huge applause for the writing.

i hated her so much i don't care if she was spelled larry.

i can see that angle and i hope you do call it. but i just got this whole, "i'll be nice to her to win her over" intention. his kindness was hard to see as selfless. but yes, the group does need him and it would be nice to see him turn out to be a nice, genuine person despite being in a difficult situation.

NO. c'mon AV. this is stretching in the biggest, stupidest way. PLEASE DO NOT BE BUZZFEED.

andrea was downgraded to the new laurie. she was a promising character that was ruined due to really bad writing.

what kindness? he's working a Stockholm angle on beth. sure, he's nicer and treats her much better. but i hardly doubt he'll be in with the bigger group.

i feel like they've been focusing a lot on carol and her mindset. she even tried to ditch the group. i wonder if this is intended to help her get over some things or maybe make an ultimate sacrifice to fully teach them all what "for the greater good" should/could really mean.

yeah. at first i was connecting the cross on the car that took beth to gabriel but then when it was revealed that it was from a hospital that idea was nixed. i guess it makes sense that they would mark their transportation with the same symbol - one, because hospital aide and two, it helps to know who is required and

i write like you. it read right. since when did av clubber comments get so anal about punctuation? like forreal.

tip a 40 for the old comment ways. i miss when i got real alerts and could see what was going on without having to click thru so much.

from the way gorman talked about her, something like, "…i'll get joan back.." and the way he behaved towards beth, i got that she was his payment for being under dawn's patrol. basically he raped her. a lot. which made him being torn to bits by her zombie all the more pleasing.

and i just realized what i want answered the most about this hospital cop brothel… who owns the one eyed dog and when will we meet him?

felt kind of the same with terminus. like - what was the point? they didn't even follow thru on the whole eating of the tainted meat thing.

yet she still manages to look a decade younger than luke perry in 90210.

thanks! yeah, i'm a carolfangurl, little obvious there lol