

Happy Endings made me like Like A Prayer. her other stuff is ok and shes terrible

ugh madonna…..

hell it was treated as the commercial throughout with the "see our ads" watermark at the bottom. comeback from commercial

I liked the last one a good bit (even if the idea of a boxing match getting that much publicity in this day and age was silly). His speech to his son is really good too

Anyone else been watching this? Its not too bad if a little weightless for my taste. like early clone wars episodes

oh damn lots of sads…. Young Justice, YJ Wally, YJ Wally and Artimis…

new Batgirl, Gotham Academy, the introduction of Spider-Gwen..

they're both completely free online legally


Nah just give her a solo Kate Bishop series!

I finally got to read Zero Year and LOVED it! Especially how Riddler was beaten as it wasn't just a straight up beat-em up.

I enjoyed it but yea the story sorta petered a bit. makes me a touch worried about Hawkeye…

Uuuuugggggghhhhhh….. Even I don't really want this…

Lets not forget Green Arrow singing his theme as he zip lines into the bad guys. thats just phenominal

Mr. B you're hot

You shut the hell up! You're wrong and here's a list of reasons why…

Nah that book has quite a few decent stuff in there. Most of em feature Harley of course but there's been some other good stuff too

Arigato heeeeeyyyy!!

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