la derive

Will check out more of Wheatley's stuff, and yes Hot Fuzz is being downloaded as we speak, 45 kb /sec, Australian Outback Standard Time..

Watched High-Rise, I should say Ballardian then dystopian view of an on the surface rise and fall of a society within walls. The class overlay is not as prominent as I expected it, all types dysfunctionising at once, winners called as those still in the game, not necessarily us vs them, although, this great quote

Living in a high rise requires a special kind of behaviour

Yup, got me missing Alan Bates, Oliver Reed, Richard Burton, the old Welsh rugby mob mentality..

I would not give you false hope..

OMD od'd..

The Dude abides..

"We may not have enough troops or ships or weapons,
but we have plenty of Captains."

Zed's dead.

If you follow the migration of humanity the last of its available areas for dreaming was the West Coast of the US and that naive ideology created Hollywood then saw it destroyed during the payola scandal and the Red Scare of the 50s..

Hey I paid good money for that..

I danced myself right out the womb surely that counts for something..

< metaphor, allegory, whatever />The Don is building an ark and all his supporters, with a fuck you to establishment corruption and elitist liberalism corruption, are gonna set sail two by two, if necessary. And if not, they at least have a horse in the race, and if this all blows up in their face, then the gypsy

Hey Chubby!

Jason and the Argonauts

Where's a Stride Mother when you need one..

Suppose this gets harder to discover the lost /missed gems, Spaced being one. Fifteen years after and having not followed what this created there is still a recognition of the love and care here, each character springing fully and immaturely formed, we are invested, same as The Office, and can appreciate and

I do miss Kenny Everett..

End of Rectify may bring the end of everything..

Russell Crowe turned into Ray Winstone so gradually we hardly noticed
is that how its done..?