la derive

The system is corrupt because the super delegates are beholden to no one but themselves, even if Saunders won the popular vote they could overturn it.. this!

He has a feasible path to show up the Democratic Super Delegates as corrupt as the rest of the process; not about winning this time but about forming a base. Having said that you gotta love that Clinton's gambit vs Trump is just letting the GOP speak of Trump..

you miss[elled Murakami's 1Q84..

Yup, down to the last two: Sanders vs the same old, same old..

Dastardly vs Muttley: Dick Goes Down

Nail Gardner, blu-tac Hayworth, just in case I'm in here a while..

Team Ava


Anyone drinking bullet proof coffee and willing to support it before I fall for another fad..?

Ok - bits that did work and bits that didn't

Apropos of the funniest thing I have heard for ages..

I just had to look at that.. You owe me!

There is a theory that the present generation has the biggest disconnect in history between self evaluation and economic opportunity, so segued, Vinyl, got that last episode to watch next, never seen such a high class mistake before.

Got punked here in Sydney with someone called Jay Z!

Ok … the game if you are brave enough!

Team Duckman FTW!

Lots of punters panicked early and bought out at a reduced payout..

Forest's manager had done the same trick several years previous with derby. Forest's main surprise claim to fame is the retaining of the European Cup

There hasn't been one of these before - this is a bona fide Black Swan event. If IIRC the largest odds of any event to pay out previously was less than 2000 - 1. Leicester just won at 5000 - 1 !!!

Gonna stand by my original choice of Styles / Mochrie '16..