
Crawford: This is delicious. What is this?
Lecter: We're having some Korean.

You know it's good when in spite of the horror unfolding on the screen, you're not leaning back but forward.

Every single one of Jaime's confessions was gold.

And all the random flashlights!

Mind palace time. Awwww yeah.

Hey Rick, it's Alejandro speaking. Um, so we asked ourselves internally…we asked ourselves over here ok, what. Does. A pancreas. Do? And the answer was…does it make pirates? No. It makes insulin, ya know?

Sonya's not on board.

Love the show, flaws and all, but you know what would redeem it in the eyes of many? A Homeland-level "The Weekend" episode midway through the season where shit goes down, and the elephant in the room is addressed.

Love the show, flaws and all, but you know what would redeem it in the eyes of many? A Homeland-level "The Weekend" episode midway through the season where shit goes down, and the elephant in the room is addressed.

Wait, say that again. But slower and emphasize certain words so I can make the connection in my head.

Wait, say that again. But slower and emphasize certain words so I can make the connection in my head.

Specter & Ross, LLP. This needs to happen.

Specter & Ross, LLP. This needs to happen.

What about Gary Busey?

What about Gary Busey?

Someone floated him for Mance or Doran Martell. I love the Martell suggestion.

Someone floated him for Mance or Doran Martell. I love the Martell suggestion.

Well he's not gonna rub his cheek or forehead up against that bus door. That's just downright unsanitary.

Andrea is a much better character in the comics. It pains me to see her portrayed this way.

I was very disappointed that Rick, Glenn, and Hershel did not form some tacit agreement to keep Randall hidden in the shed (E.T. style) until like 6 episodes later everyone's eating dinner and Daryl goes, "Who the fuck is THAT guy?"