As in, Ned was saying he thought it was a mail plane. Homonym humour doesn't always come out in a verbal situation.
As in, Ned was saying he thought it was a mail plane. Homonym humour doesn't always come out in a verbal situation.
Yeah, it's in the Harvest Festival story arc, isn't it? Isn't it Ben who really notices it as weird?
I'm pretty sure Clone High was Nelvana. Apparently not the same company who did TDI.
Or you can just go to
No, it's true. The highs they set were REALLY REALLY HIGH, what with Morrison, Ennis, Bendis, etc. It was a great creative time for Marvel.
Yeah, that's Loki's staff from The Avengers. And seeing it with Baron Strucker makes me think it will be repurposed into the Satan Claw.
Yeah, other than the Bill Jemas, U-Decide, and Chuck Austen stuff.
It hit me especially funny after listening to the Earwolf podcast "Are You Talking U2 To Me?" where Scott goes deep into how much of a fan he was of Green
Kumar Pallana, who played Kumar in Bottle Rocket, Mr. Littlejeans in Rushmore, and Pagoda in Tenenbaums.
Yeah, I go with the bitter irony interpretation as well. You just FEEL a lot more when you're 18 or 19, and I knew once he went off to war that after his tour of duty, those feeling wouldn't be the same when he returned.
Tell me more about this "J. Johan Jameson."
I started crying laughing with Bob Ducca's Wrecking Ball performance. Especially when he gasps for air before belting out the chorus.
There's NO way that House of Cosbys is coming back, after that cease and desist letter from the Cos that made for a real downer of a last episode.
I've had a shrine for Diaz since the pilot.
And tomatoes too, come on!
Good thing you can just touch it again to remove the vote.
She's probably making coffee in the background somewhere.
Stephanie, her best friend Kristen and I would have marvelous culinary adventures together!
But the only one who appreciated them was the beat cop. Diaz and Boyle were just rolling their eyes and giving Peralta looks the entire time.
Paranoia Agent is pretty darn creepy. Worth the watch.