
Sheldon and Penny have always had the best chemistry and JP is exceptional, a romance between them would be mind blowing. Amy's too much of a ragbag for it to ever be what it could.

Sheldon was out of character but what else is new?

Well he is!

No, he said he didn't believe in her, that's a very different issue and it all boils down to the fact he thinks she'll find someone else. Leonard consistently says the wrong things. They are a terrible match.

No, he said he didn't believe in her and it all boils down to the fact he thinks she'll find someone else.

I wish she'd leave!

Don't agree. Penny hasn't been that happy confident character for 3 seasons! The writers have kept her a waitress and taken away her street smarts year on year.

Oliver Sava is in a world of his own. He shouldn't be the one doing these reviews.

This reviewer never gets it right. Every time I come here his glowing review never matches the comments from fans. So out of touch. This was the worst episode of the season and had the first significant rantings drop so far.

This is still the best episode this season and this daft reviewer scores it a C+. I think we have a Sheldon and Penny hater folks!

I hated this can't find a single thing good about it.

I don't think Galecki is anywhere near as good as Parsons. They
gave Galecki a real shot in this episode to do something different with his character. Usually it's Sheldon who goes crazy but this was Leonard's turn. I liked this but it really showed who the star actor of this show is.

I thought this was the worse episode of the season. Terrible. Hated the song!

This reviewer has issues! Sack him, this episode was great!

The Raiders 'flaw' is something I picked up on the first watch and I was 12!! And as you have written, there are arguments against but suddenly none of the guys can come up with one?

The worst episode in years. Who doesn't know that Indy plays no part in the outcome on Raiders? If Sheldon and the guys don't know this after seeing the film dozens of times, then they are certainly not geniuses. Why do the writers have to make the males of this show look stupid, just because there's females on it now?

What's this reviewer talking about? I loved this. Pfff with bells on!

They make Sheldon behave like a little boy to try and eliminate the charisma these 2 have.

Raj is not gay in my opinion. If they make him gay, all the jokes will become a little cliche. If he were trying to cover up his sexuality he would be behaving butch, not effeminate.

There was no mention of the great scene in the grocery store between Sheldon and Penny even though it is pictured above. I liked this episode and this scene was one of the reasons.