
Yeah I may watch Rear Window, but the rest I never liked. I've just never liked his directing all that much. I didn't like Citizen Kane either so take that as you will.

Yeah I may watch Rear Window, but the rest I never liked. I've just never liked his directing all that much. I didn't like Citizen Kane either so take that as you will.

I've always disliked Hitchcock's persona and movies. Eh

I've always disliked Hitchcock's persona and movies. Eh

@avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus She's sleeping with someone else's husband then smiling in the lady's face at her New Year's Eve Part. She deserves all she can get.

@avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus She's sleeping with someone else's husband then smiling in the lady's face at her New Year's Eve Part. She deserves all she can get.

No I liked for the "chipmuncked-cheeked whore." I really dislike the character and also think she's unattractive.

No I liked for the "chipmuncked-cheeked whore." I really dislike the character and also think she's unattractive.

It's got my vote!

It's got my vote!

Your hopes are too high for the Walking Dead characters' intelligence levels.

Your hopes are too high for the Walking Dead characters' intelligence levels.

I see my baby Darryl's been working out. All that zombie fighting. That's all I got. 

I see my baby Darryl's been working out. All that zombie fighting. That's all I got. 

I really want to know how Quinn got his position. He has to be the dumbest fucking character ever and that's after Louis and LaGuerta. There are more women in Miami than the ones on the case dude.

I really want to know how Quinn got his position. He has to be the dumbest fucking character ever and that's after Louis and LaGuerta. There are more women in Miami than the ones on the case dude.

I really thought they were setting him up to be the bad guy later. Did you see that nerd rage look he gave Dexter? A pop in the head just doesn't seem right after that setup.

I really thought they were setting him up to be the bad guy later. Did you see that nerd rage look he gave Dexter? A pop in the head just doesn't seem right after that setup.

