joe wiseguy pesci

Time off for good behaviaaa!!!

I love Ryan's "Michael, please" in response. Sounds genuinely disturbed.

I was gonna have a rant about how INSANE it is to leave Mad Men off the top 10 TV shows of all time. Then I remembered that there are a lot of good TV shows out there. It's still insane though.

I still can't believe he's been in a Best Picture-winning film (the worst one ever, but still).

You're right, it's so annoying that we can only choose one person in the entire world to be sad about dying. Damn these rules!

I used to run with a very tough crowd. Street fighter types. Real…bad…people.

I seem to remember a bizarre edition with Mariah Carey very soon after her nervous breakdown playing a bridesmaid.

He also followed it up with "We'll go to the movies and MAYBE a trip to the zoo". Though that could be pushing it.

Probably has been mentioned but April Ludgate's declaration of Neutral Milk Hotel as her favourite band leading to a big fight with Andy. Might not technically count as April's love of "depressing music" had been alluded to beforehand (making her Venezuelan boyfriend listen to The Smiths) but it sticks out as I had

Probably has been mentioned but April Ludgate's declaration of Neutral Milk Hotel as her favourite band leading to a big fight with Andy. Might not technically count as April's love of "depressing music" had been alluded to beforehand (making her Venezuelan boyfriend listen to The Smiths) but it sticks out as I had

Thanks Armond.

Thanks Armond.

Do Sonny and Cher still have that stupid show?