Dinosaur Doctor


but…. The Big Bang Theory….

was there the other day…plenty of parking within a half mile

I love odd dot-connects. 
see: Childrens' Hospital

No. That is gross.

I glanced at the headline and the words "Community" and "Canceled" jumped out at me.

with inspector Spacetime I imagine it would be something like "Renovate"

I believe that a farm was the key element of "Fuck City" that GOB missed

Batman? Inspector Spacetime? That guy from the D&D episode? 
I could see a battle between the Air-conditioning and Plumbing departments getting pretty ugly

I just spent most of the time wondering if she had a belly button

leave it to Canada

Isn't 1 score 20 years?

I'd recommend Anathema. 
Probably start with their Album "A Fine Day to Exit".
They started making music in the early 90's as very much a Doom Metal band. Then about they progressed into more a Prog-Rock mold in the late 90's where they've been for awhile. Till they released "We're Here Because We're Here" in 2010 and I