
Thanks, That Guy. I thought I was the only one who liked the Will Ferrell movie.

That does sound cool.

Not to worry Bfred, that will never happen.

This might be an interesting question to toss out to the AVC staff:

County Surveyor, Hidalgo, Mexico:

Real Estate Agent, Hidalgo, Mexico:
"Well, this land's pretty much worthless. But then I guess it doesn't matter, really, since according to the county surveyors office the deed is held by local tribe that vanished long ago. So you can't buy it anyway. Not that you'd want to: like I said, it's pretty much

It's ok. The whole thing hits the whole rap-rock thing.

It's not "gorgio". It's "gaidjo".

And on a related note, most people don't realize that Frankenberry was actually the creator of the cereal. He named it Grape Nuts.

Oh shit Flaubert. Statistics can't be used to predict human behavior? Damn, so much for economics I guess. *Sigh* I've wasted my life.

I'm from the US, but I've been living in Sub-Saharan Africa for the past few years. Not a ton of bookstores, and the ones you do find aren't giving stuff away for free. On the other hand, Peace Corps station libraries and backpacker's book-swap shelves are a goldmine of random crap. I found a long out-of-print copy

I'm not in the US that often, but when I am I stay in DC. There are a couple of bookstores that have sidewalk discount tables, but they're not heavy on the pulp paperbacks (mostly aging history, philosophy and science texts) and neither of them sell anything by the box.

…even the most unpromising have something to say.
This truly was a fantaistic column, Keith. Much thanks for all the hard work.

Clueless Neophyte, I'm right there with you. I just can't ignore that goddamned panel. Fortunately, I've developed an effective coping mechanism in which I imagine that Dolly is not a little girl at all, but actually a psychotic Russian midget the family unwittingly adopted, and whose saccharine quipping is a clever

To hell with "showily terse", I can't get over the fact that a Vince Neil review included the line "goes down quickly", and there's not a single Brandy Ledford joke to be found.


While it's indeed a somewhat unusual use of the word "vanguard" (does the turkey wrap signify even greater mediocrity to come?) I think the line is apt (deft, even; lurching towards adroit). The turkey wrap is nature's perfect food for representing tacit acceptance of the tedious but familiar. No one who isn't on an

How about "Waiting in Line at the DMV"?

Well done BSR, brava!

Ha! Finally.