Dawn Cameltoe Davenport

Excuse me? When has Chad ever thrown a tantrum about anything? Or, when he gets read, has he ever done anything less mature than stand there and process what he hears? Or, if being thrown shade, when has he ever done anything other than laugh it off? (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am acquainted with Chad and his fellow

Although those wigs might make it difficult for Ru to turn his head, I think it's more that he's "cheating out" for the shot: Facing the camera to deliver his lines. Whenever there's a two- or three-shot of the panel and Ru's in the shot, he will often turn his head to react.

Chad HAS had his lips and cheeks done, and might have had a browlift. His stock in trade is celebrity impersonation, and he's an "official" Cher impersonator (works on her stage shows). FULL DISCLOSURE: I know Chad, although not well. He's a very nice guy and quite good at what he does. His face has changed over the

What a piece of shit this episode was. Just when you think it won't get worse, blammo! It does. My loathing of this episode is so strong that I'm ready to turn in my hot-pink Gay Card over it. And let's face it— my choice of alias should indicate that I'm really, really, REALLY GAY.