Makes sense to keep Ellaria alive for leverage.
Tyene however, not so much.
It's safe to assume Cercei will have her killed in front of her mother as revenge and showing she means business.
Makes sense to keep Ellaria alive for leverage.
Tyene however, not so much.
It's safe to assume Cercei will have her killed in front of her mother as revenge and showing she means business.
I hope they skip on the "birth under extreme circumstances" trope that has been done to death, really.
Actually I am, and am tempted to give this a whirl.
Sounds good, but is there an substitude to the horseradish?
I don't mind broccoli per se, but there's a right time and place for everything.
I honestly have no idea.
Seems legit.
In my experience, US citizens have a very high tolerance of shit in their processed food.
Yeah, seriously.
Mac&Cheese with peas and/or broccoli? Dafukk?
I seriously don't know who too root for in this mess.
Besides Cassidy, maybe.
Her "code" still seems ridiculous in that context. As does her BS about consent earlier.
Like her nice husband's victims had any agency in being tortured to death.
Glad to hear this.
I'd hate the thought anybody would keep pouring money into that sad, insulting can of worms.
Makes sense, though I'm not sure we understand the full connection of cause and effect here.
Same as with "magic returning to the world" and the return of dragons.
They should absolutly team up.
Yeah it's ironic and poetic and nicely done, but it's the opposite of religion, as he does not "believe" and gets prove anyway.
Yara doesn't mean that much to Cercei, I doubt she even knows she exists.
Ellaria seems likely, or maybe the Queen of Thornes.
I'm confident they skip the Dragonbinders in the show, and he won't get Tyrion before he attacks Dany.
Just like most season openers so far, basic table setting.
Ugh, this is still on?