
When it is confirmed that the 'Walt poisoned Brock,' stupidest theory ever, is wrong I am going to gloat here.

No idea if its the case here, but ranting about obese people on planes is a common canned stand-up routine these days.

I totally agree that Gus is a sociopath, which I didn't fully get last season. However it still doesn't make sense that he would have the kid killed, knowing it would be a gigantic F you to Walt and Jesse, whom he had just gone to lengths to appease.

FTR I think the entire concept of grading the episode is douchetastic, and the idea of wanting to be a tough grader even more so. Like the arrogance of thinking you are entitled to put a grade on art. However I find the grade part easy to ignore, whereas threads of useless grade bitching keep proliferating and are

The death of the kid is still a loose end for me. Either Gus ordered the kid to be killed, or his organization lacks discipline. Neither of those is a very satisfying answer to the question of why the kid got killed, but I've leaned towards lack of discipline or some kind of screwup.

There are already two threads for grade complaining, for those who get upset over the letter assigned by the reviewer. I suspect these are the same people who correct other people's grammar and spelling.

I felt like I was going to vomit.

Walter had Jesse as his protege before it was cool.

Why would Walt ruin everything he sold his soul for - his family's future -  by going to the DEA? All of their assets will be taken away under RICO.

People enjoy being the first to say basically some form of "This used to be good but now it sucks"

Some people's most intense reaction to a show of this complexity is: anger that a member of a divorcing couple has sex with a new partner. Think about the information that is being presented there.

The hotel internet connection, which I paid 12.95 for, didn't seem to like any of those sites. I think that whoever is responsible for distributing this might want to think about the implications of the show being widely available on download/torrent sites well before it is available on legit or mainstream sites -

At first I thought Skyler was just a lightning rod for the id of (divorced?) men with issues, and then when I was catching up on episodes I realized how fucking annoying she can be. I hate that self-righteous, mama knows best type of personality.

Nobody missed it except the OP. If the bloody stump-stalking didn't give it away, there was a conversation where Walt asks Jesse if he remembers being in the desert w/Tuco (it rang a tiny bell) where he puts together that the cousins were Tuco's cousins.

I first noticed the shaking camera in one of the earlier scenes with Walt and Gale in the superlab. I'm sure it was used before, that was just the first time I was conscious of it. To me it was a very effective suggestion that they are being watched. I think the lab must be under total surveillance. Logical given the


I'm trying not to read anything - I am traveling, missed last flight and I am stranded in a hotel with no AMC. Does Netflix have this episode yet? I usually watch on Amazon, but they don't seem to have it and I don't know when they usually get it.

Jesse and Walter
I don't think that we will ever be able to tease out Walter's self-interest from some type of friendship towards Jesse. There have been some scenes where its clear that Walter does have at least some sort of feeling of responsibility towards Jesse. And in this episode he seems to be acknowledging that

Mike the Cleaner
Mike the Cleaner is my guess for who called Hank.

Because Walter was almost spooked away from cooking meth. Everyone wants him to keep cooking so they can make money.