Pops Freshenmeyer

Danny went mountain climbing in the Himalayas, which I don't care how rich you are, would require him to be MIA for weeks.

His acting though - I was waiting for a change in his character in the finale that never came. It was even set up, Claire constantly telling him he can't be so angry and rush into things without a plan. I was waiting for a moment like the one in Jedi when Luke is just wailing on Vader, then realizes he can't give into

That's a good point however, Lisa sort of failed upward on her way to the finale - she was routinely on the bottom, just never the worst in a given week. I'm sure she's a very good chef, but Richard and Stephanie were/are consistently top notch chefs.

Thank you for all the excellent contributions in this column over the years, sad to see it go.

Thanks for the excellent write-ups for this season Randall and if you are ever in Cleveland, please check out the Doobie Brother's (Jonathon Sawyer) restaurant, Greenhouse Tavern. By far, my favorite place here in Cleveland and one of my favorites anywhere I've lived. Aside from the great menu, the vibe inside is

JT didn't playfully tussle Trump's stupid hair as if to make him seem like a harmless scamp.

Students walking out of classes? What is that going to accomplish?

Casey's from season three though! Granted, it's been a long time since I watched that season, but I actually liked Hung in a way. He was a little cocky, definitely standoffish, but he backed it up. Said a few nice things about Dale's food in an interview after the finale. After the antics with season two, I think they

It was a poor choice of words because Stephanie is awesome on camera and I've had her food and it's great. Richard clearly has the chops, I mean it's not like he failed his way to the finale of All Stars and stole it at the last minute. He's very good, and he felt he was good enough to win - he just expressed that

Agreed. As soon as Thompson trotted out his Big Papi "impression" it seemed all downhill for me, aside from the Meet Cute

Of course not all women, just Padma maybe

My wife is convinced Padma has it out for any contestant who is attractive and she considers her some sort of a threat. It seemed that way during Kristen's season when she mentioned to the judges that she had also done some modeling.

Damnit, you are totally correct. You can have all my upvotes.

He Hate Me played in a super bowl for Carolina if I remember correctly. I refuse to bother to google his actual name.

*Passes out while in sleeper hold. Referee lifts my arm twice and drops both times. On third attempt, suddenly prevent it from falling all the way, throw elbows to fight my way out of submission*

I remember that article. The commissioner of the league makes Roger Goodell look like a decent guy. The stories from the players who were torn because they loved the commradie but couldn't afford to not get paid were awful to read.

It does help that the NBA promotes and supports the WNBA

At least they had the decency to use the correct abbreviation - ECW

You suck 2016!!!
Wait, what?

Emily had similarly "good" ingredients. John made a good dish, Emily made a bad dish. Most people would agree having Jamie take the bad ingredients is a good strategy. The fact that he gave up immunity seems to me that he felt he did a poor job irrespective of ingredients.