
You haven't seen this movie!?!? And I thought you were cool…

When's Josef von Sternberg's "Underworld" coming out on DVD?

Singing is soooo September 10th. Nobody sings anymore. Get with the times.

Is that the one with the bald magician and the giant bird? Because that's the best one.

He's terrible, but at least he gave us a really funny line: "If I hadn't done it, they just would have hired some hack." Oh! the irony!

IFC Films has some kind of deal with the devil with Blockbuster to release stuff early exclusively, which makes no sense because Blockbuster have never before shown any interest in independent films, nor have 99.9% of the people who frequent said establishment.

Dr. NIck
Apparently alive and working as Dr. Hibbert's caddy? Whuh?

"I'm not crying Brendon, I'm remembering with tears."

Sandman # 17, I believe. "Calliope." It's in the "Dream Country" collection.

Bah. All Ozu films are pretty much the same. Even the one that has a TV in it.

Good man. [salutes]

Be a man and buy the book. Wave it high over your head and read passages aloud in front of the library while wearing a great rubber phallus atop your head. Buy a second copy and donate it to the library, see if they take it.

I'm going to cut the heads off some parking meters. You know, settle a few scores.

I already did this last not, but it would be irresponsible of me not to mention that Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon is the most flawless novel ever written.

Bah - Flashman sucks. You kill him with bubbles for chrissakes!

I'd take Snow Crash over Pynchon too.

Hasn't this already been discussed this week?

the long goodbye
By Raymond Chandler. The cynic's guide to the world. Everyone should read that.

What's worse, it turned out that Spike was, shockingly, wrong. So he not only tried to exploit racism for his own benefit, he had to lie to do it.

So, Bruce Willis as Charlie Brown, Steve Buscemi as Linus, Tom Waits as Schroeder, Samuel L. Jackson as Franklin, Carla Gugino as Peppermint Patty, Uma Thurman as Sally… who would play Lucy and Marcie and the others? Would Tim Roth play Snoopy?