
Casanova was okay.

Sagat is badass in Street Fighter II though.

But is it…
…an improvement on watching a blank screen for the same amount of time?

"…who also quietly out-acted the likes of Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, and Benicio Del Toro in 21 Grams. "

I thought Julianne Moore was the patron saint of onscreen nudity? Or was it Helen Mirren?

He means to start doing it full-time.

So you're an anarchist, we get it. So you hate dictionaries, we get it. Yawn. You've stopped talking about the movie. You started spewing gibberish a long time ago. Have fun with it.

Admit it, apples! You're just like him!

None of your points are anything but your opinion (you disliked the acting and didn't understand the plot: many would disagree) and you can't relate to a superhero. So what? And you claim to love Batman and yet claim to not "believe" the plot? That just doesn't make sense. The third paragraph from the end makes even

Cary Grant.

Don't think I haven't been considering it.

The Animated Series is still and will always be the best adaptation; if all the movies disappeared and the Animated Series still lived then I would still be happy.

Don't apologize for belittling his opinion: he second post wasn't any better thought out than the first one.

Brilliant theory: the movie which has been seen by more people than any other is unwatchable. That makes sense.

I believe I knew that, H. P. But has anyone taken even further yet? (Aside from when Superman is evil in alternate universes and all)

Bill O' Reilly = The Riddler

By supporting this site, all of you have become corporate tools as well. For shame!


If we want to talk about fascism, then wouldn't Superman be a better parallel? I mean, here's a guy who is all-powerful, can be everywhere at the same time, who used to frequently hand down Reagan-esque heavy-handed pro-authority (and anti-drug) messages, and who is treated like a god. Haven't we beenw aiting for him

Of course, there are soooooooo many Republicans who hang out on this website.