
Nah, that would take too much effort. 
This is 2011 and Japanese game companies we're talking about here.

The review makes the game sound like a plodding bore and it gives a B-.
The review addresses none of these very important issues and gives a B-.

Yeah, but how many games did any of those Japanese companies make that were zombie FPSes? Eh? None? Thought so.

The trailer clearly had nothing to do with how the game would play and there was detailed information about how the game would play since at least February of this year - http://www.destructoid.com/…

Terminator 2 was mine. Told the folks I was going to see Rocketeer. I was 11.

Exactly the kind of things which would be worthwhile to mention in a review.

Note - do not make comments about the bowel movements of the AVClub staff.

I wonder if Disgaea 4 will be reviewed here next week.

I am disappointed by the lack of review for SF3 Third Strike Online Edition.

Blades of Steel > Ice Hockey

They should put Brett Favre on it every year until he dies.

Mr. Phipps has his own TARDIS and has posted a screen shot of next week's episode.

Fun Fact:

What's there to be a fan about for Funky?

Sounds expensive and jaily.

CC is good except for his constant money panhandling. "I have a tip jar! I sell stuff based on what other people actually created!" We understand that is how you make a living. We know how to click on links to buy crappy shirts or donate money. We heard you the first million times. Please shut the hell up.

Epsgaluda 2. I'm playing on 360 but there's a version for it on iPad; I think it's rather inexpensive as well.

Y'know what - nevermind.

They are available online.

You know what the first B of BBC stands for, right?