
And Shadows of the Damned had more penis imagery than impossible tits.

Nerds that jerk off to cartoons have a lot of money because they are social outcasts who tend to be too afraid to abuse drugs.

And how about that part where the former punk biker turned Vietnam vet turned ousted identity thief wears a sandwich sign to advertise for a burlesque house, and does so using a fake personality which he no longer has any reason to perform.

You don't know why. Really.

You too?

See, I hear the name Eric Chahi and like it when I connect it to Out of this World. I hear Populous and like it because Populous is a good game (as is the sequel).

The ep you've seen the most in syndication?
It's been long since I regularly watched the daily showings but, while I did, I recall this episode as seemingly replayed the most often out of all the others.

Well, I am not Dog Is Sick so I guess I'm in the clear.

That didn't take long.

Probably because there's people everywhere who don't like the episode.

> Wait, Studio G is doing that My Pony shit?

No hurries, man.

All that matters is to take the goat last.

Don't copy that floppy
I do think that the review should have addressed the permanent save controversy regarding this game.

Can someone - preferably on AVClub staff - please tell me why unregistered people can post and why nobody is banned?

"Wouldn't this game simply be more at home, and carry more dramatic weight, on a larger screen?"
For literally every handheld and mobile phone game, the answer to this question is yes.

The review makes it sound like a new take on Dungeon Keeper. I'm cool with that. Never played it but it seems like a good idea.

I agree with your post as much as I disagree for the reason that you made the post.

Latest case -

And I have no idea why you even wrote that, because there's nothing that I wrote which would make any indication that it's something I do.