As someone who is also terrible at fighters I feel your pain. Smash is the only one I'm able to play without having to resort to just mashing buttons.
As someone who is also terrible at fighters I feel your pain. Smash is the only one I'm able to play without having to resort to just mashing buttons.
This is what my life's been reduced to!
Damn, this would certainly explain why he views Stan as a father figure. I mean it was probably obvious to everyone else here already, but I'd honestly never even thought about it, I thought they were just some throwaway gags. Top notch episode, one of my favourites in a season that's already terrific.
Yeah I remember them talking about a 1v1 mode too. I think they said it would involve a lot more stealth or something.
This is what I was thinking too, except Stan's brother is stuck in one of those alternate portal dimensions and that why Stan is trying to fix it.
I really only love half of my stuffed animals and the guilt is crushing me!
holy crap
Got some major Young Justice vibes from this episode. That's a good thing by the way, Young Justice was awesome.
No he's pretty spot on.
Look I'll be honest I thought this was one of the funniest episodes the show's ever done. If your problems with the ep had enough of an effect to drag it down for you that's fair enough, but really I was just laughing too much to care.
I'm just posting here to say that your avatar is the best, I love it.
The way she climbed that tree I was half expecting 'I'll Make A Man Out Of You' to start playing.
Well I mean its primary audience is kids watching the disney channel… not exactly the binge watching audience that feels the need to be caught up on everything.
Yeah I felt that too. I know everyone's always been talking about how dark it is for a kids show but it really seems to be ramping up this season, especially that second ep.
Hirsch just comes off as a really awesome guy in every interview he does.
Also I can't believe this review doesn't mention the best cameo of the episode: Gorny!
Yeah I loved it. It just felt so great to have this back on TV.
"What's the one thing I asked you not to do?"
"Raise the dead."
"And what did you do?"
"… raise the dead."
so ridiculously hyped for this
Mate I assure you I am not personally invested in your opinion, relax. There's nothing wrong if you don't like the episode, but surely it's possible to state that without sounding as condescending as possible to people who do.