
1. Breaking Bad
2. Game of Thrones
3. Justified
4. Gravity Falls
5. Bob's Burgers
6. Rectify
7. Mad Men
8. Person of Interest
9. Archer
10. Doctor Who

I don't think she's been talking to Samaritan. Doesn't the ending imply that Samaritan's been inactive this whole time and was only starting to boot up right at the end there?

I was one of those epeople who didn't give this a chance in the beginning. Thought it looked like another cheap, stupid Fox show. Then I kept hearing good things about it and decided to watch and I am so glad that I did. This and Gravity Falls feel like the closest shows we have to classic Simpsons, and I can't think

The show starts getting a bit more serialised around episode 7, when Elias first shows up. The first season by the end has a decent mix of procedural and serial elements. Each season, to me at least, also seems to be more serialized than the last.

PoI is terrific, but I can't decide whether it or Orphan Black is the best sci-fi show on TV.

He's so great. Second season was great TV, but it's biggest problem was a lack of Elias.

Jaime was MVP this season. NCW was pretty much the perfect choice to play him too, he's exactly how I imagined him when I was reading the books right down to his resemblance to Prince Charming from Shrek. I'd honestly say he's the best cast character in the entire show, and considering how incredible the entire cast

This was a great piece. I don't know what ending Martin has in mind for the series, but I'm honestly convinced it will be something that is at least bittersweet. That all the characters who make it that far might actually becomethe right people to lead Westeros and make it less of a power obsessed hellhole. Terrific

Different opinions I guess, but I think this season is terrible. It's somehow made S2 look like a masterpiece to me. At least Dexter managed about three good seasons, Homeland dropped off after one and a half. It just seems sort of ridiculous to me that this season gets a good grade, especially when you compare it to

Americans and TGW have already appeared on this list, so I doubt it.

OitNB will probably be the pick for best new show, which I think means it won't be in the top 3.

I agree with everything you've said. If they're gonna give him a bunch of Wally West's attributes, why not just make it Wally West? Bah I blame DC

Did you see that shot of him after that explosion or whatever it was? I think this was just the writer's way of making him look (and possibly act) more like the comic Grundy, he'll be back for sure.

Man if they ever make a Metal Gear Solid Movie, Manu Bennett would make a great Solid Snake.

I doubt you actually watch the show, given that most of your complaints are completely wrong.

PoI can still be on the list, I just don't think it's watched or liked by enough of the staff to make this kind of list on it's own. I just thought it's best chance would be some CBS procedural grouping with TGW and Elementary.

Well crud, I was hoping Person of Interest would make the list by being part of some grouping with the Good Wife. Also I should probably watch The Good Wife.

I loved how much focus Tim got this season, he's far too good a character to have as little screen time as he did in the first three seasons.

God I love Justified, easily the most entertaining show on TV. Who the hell does Timothy Olyphant need to sleep with to get an emmy nom?

How gory is this show? Everything about it sounds great, but I saw a photo of those two people who had their skin carved into wings and it just seemed like the show would probably be a bit much for me. I love Game of Thrones, does the violence and gore get much worse than it is on that show?