Shlong ShmeLuise

Chubby Diamonds was like a father to me.

The thing that's weird about no scrubs for me is the specific way they define it. According to the song " a scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly, but is ALSO known as a busta" So there are two qualifiers in order to be a scrub. You have to think your fly and ALSO be KNOWN as a busta. Based on this narrow definition I

Vin Diesel's real name is Mark Sinclair. Im saying this just to drive the point home that he CHOSE the name Vin Diesel. Which is amazing because Mark Sinclair actually sounds like a famous actor and Vin Diesel sounds like a monster truck.

Anakin is an ok name although it doesn't have the same ring that Gulrot Unclean Spawn has.

It means nothing to call out anyone to "step their game up". He should just do it by actually making art that raises the bar which he doesn't even come close to doing. He's a below average rapper who will prove to the world eventually that he doesn't come close to deserving to be mentioned in the same breath as the

Kendrick Lamar is terrible. Remember when he rhymed uncoachable with unsociable in that verse that the internet hype machine collectively shat their pants over? Yea that was awful.

Everything after wallets is ghost in decline. No one outside of the hardcore fans paid attention to him while he was doing mind bending shit on clientele. Then all of a sudden he starts to suck and then the internet decides to take notice.

Thank you! Dude is boring as shit.

my 13 year old brother called he wants his mustache back

they should get that guy who sang detachable penis to headline

i swear to god i thought the thing about it being her exes with stickers over their faces in the article was a joke and then i went and looked at it and its not.

remember that movie where she gave that scruffy dude a ghost job? that was weird

its funny how BIG's idea and example of the absolute pinnacle of success in Juicy is simultaneously having both super nintendo and sega genesis. its insane how far the idea of opulence and what the pinnacle of success is in hip hop has changed since that time.

See America this is what the fuck happens when you discourage bullying. You done fucked up the whole nerd bully ecosystem and now this whole shit is all out of whack. lf the first person who danced like that got called a dweebus like they were supposed to, we wouldn't have had to witness it. It's science people look

"Your mother should know" is massively skippable.

I thought the same thing

Helter skelter, bitches. For all people who say the stones were the bad boys to the Beatles nice guys. Did the stones ever write anything so badass that it inspired hippies to embark on a murderous rampage? Fuck to the no

Do you not see how everything your saying is making you look like a snobby dbag?

Your review is like me watching breathless or whatever the fuck and coming away with the conclusion that there weren't enough exploding skulls. That wasn't the fuckjng point. You missed the entire point of the movie it wasn't a fucking character study.

So your the "I'm just gonna shit on everybody" guy. Cool cool. It's cool to be that guy. Everybody likes that guy