
This guy also likes Fall Out Boy, so proceed with caution…

I'd like to nominate 'Lucky' by East Bay punk band/924 Gilman veterans Fifteen. The song's about their old bassist who shot himself during a meth binge, and is really quite affecting:

My favorite version of Quinn the Eskimo is, incidentally, the one from the Isle of Wight concert with The Band. They completely tear shit up. Even my brother, a professional bass player who doesn't really like Dylan said "Hey this is pretty rocking." Check it out if you can find it.

Fair enough. I haven't read Naked Lunch (well, I tried a long time ago, that line from the beginning about the tv antennas on the roofs keeping out more than they let in still sticks with me) but from what I understand Cities of the Red Night (written 22 years later) and the following two books of the trilogy are much

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus, perused your list, pretty impressive. May I offer up William S. Burroughs? Cities of the Red Night perhaps? (Kesey called it his best work fwiw.)

Conatonc, yeah, I actually like Vision of Division  a good amount myself, but I was trying to make some mercilessly lean cuts. For a good time watch Albert play the guitar parts live. Razorblade is one of my favorite songs on First Impressions as well along with You Only Live Once and Red Light. It's always a

To get in my mind the tightest album I think I'd take out 4 tracks:
Vision of Division, Killing Lies, Evening Sun, and 15 Minutes.

I'll Try Anything Once is an early version of You Only Live Once.

i am going to try this and was wondering if you put the bbq sauce in at the beginning or hold off? i've read conflicting reports. thanks.

i am going to try this and was wondering if you put the bbq sauce in at the beginning or hold off? i've read conflicting reports. thanks.

Working title: Two and a Half Boners

I guess I missed the boat.