Dr. Morgenstern I Presume

I love Lundy, so I vote to keep 2 in.

I love Lundy, so I vote to keep 2 in.

Liked, and also, ew.

Totally.  I used to say "All right! New season of Runway!"  But when I read this WoT, I was all "Uuuuuuugh.  Runway AGAIN?!?  I just FINISHED Runway."

I must know what happens to Maroon 5 and his wife!!!!  It's been weeks with no update on the arm!

I hope this is true.

He was not good on today's WTF.  Do you know what I mean?

It is very disappointing to learn that Jimmy Tamborello does not play the tambourine and/or cello.

Hey, Tim Meadows is doing stand up in my town tonight and it's not sold out.  Should I go?  Has anyone been?

Uh uh.  We paid for an hour, you're gonna dig for an hour.

Uh uh.  We paid for an hour, you're gonna dig for an hour.

Like many things in Modern Family, the joke was funny the first time.  Then, diminishing returns.

Next time?

Mrs. Peacock was a man.

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus It's on Netflix streaming.  I hadn't really thought about the AD connection, but now that you mention it, it kind of works.  Add a twist of Kingpin for a splash of professional bowling humor.

I recently rewatched the 90's Michael J. Fox vehicle "Greedy."  I loved this movie as a kid, and I was delighted to see that it totally holds up.  Phil Hartman is hilarious in it, and Kirk Douglas ain't half bad either.  
Do others love this movie as I do?  No one in my regular life has even heard of this movie.

Thanks @avclub-3b5e2c9be5002e87e0477099db5ff21b:disqus , I will check that out.

I wrote to PBS to complain about the decision not to renew "Zen," and got a very nice response thanking me for my interest, and recommending that I contact the BBC, as only they are in the position to make more "Zen"s.   So then I wrote to the BBC, and those soulless, manner-less Brits never had the decency to

Is this where I can bravely bitch that none of my (hilarious) comments made it past the moderator on the liveblog last night?
