Dr. Morgenstern I Presume

Please producers, PLEASE get Dmitry to do a dance demo.  PLEASE.

Please producers, PLEASE get Dmitry to do a dance demo.  PLEASE.

By "improv" you mean "get the producers to magically supply more money and a second trip to Mood" and "successfully make other designers feel sympathy for her and give her leftover money, and then the very next week be an ice cold bitch and say 'I'm not helping anyone, it's so late in the competition.'"  Anya is the

By "improv" you mean "get the producers to magically supply more money and a second trip to Mood" and "successfully make other designers feel sympathy for her and give her leftover money, and then the very next week be an ice cold bitch and say 'I'm not helping anyone, it's so late in the competition.'"  Anya is the

If I could only smack one of them upside the head, I'd choose Anya over Mondo in punishment for their insanely non-self aware critiquing.

If I could only smack one of them upside the head, I'd choose Anya over Mondo in punishment for their insanely non-self aware critiquing.

I didn't really get the complaint about his styling.  His model looked fine to me.

I didn't really get the complaint about his styling.  His model looked fine to me.

Agreed, Legally Concrete Blonde.  The judges were so annoying with their moaning "You had over 800 Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaars."  Yes, but still just 10 hours.  If you want great work, give more time.  Not a difficult concept.

Agreed, Legally Concrete Blonde.  The judges were so annoying with their moaning "You had over 800 Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaars."  Yes, but still just 10 hours.  If you want great work, give more time.  Not a difficult concept.

My favorite was the challenge where the designers drew their visions with teen girls, and one pair drew a big wolf, that Teti perfectly described as "a pretty sweet Final Fantasy boss."

My favorite was the challenge where the designers drew their visions with teen girls, and one pair drew a big wolf, that Teti perfectly described as "a pretty sweet Final Fantasy boss."

Hyperventilated into by queefs indeed!

Hyperventilated into by queefs indeed!

Just a head's up, some normal (size) women have small breasts.

Just a head's up, some normal (size) women have small breasts.

Agreed.  It didn't help that his model resembles and was styled like Keira Knightly in Pride and Prejudice.

Agreed.  It didn't help that his model resembles and was styled like Keira Knightly in Pride and Prejudice.

Seriously.  Fuck these Hufflepuffs.

Seriously.  Fuck these Hufflepuffs.