Third world paper doll

They are AMAZING live, I'll always love them because they came to my Third world Country and played as if they were in Glastonbury … Awesome Show!

Record Collection and The ArchAndroid are great Dance Albums…among the best of the year so far those two!

Donna perdio su virginidad!
Well since here in south america the day comes first and the month comes second I can say that we already celebrated, I mean, complety ignored this holiday in February…

Yeah I don't know how Diane Kruger got all the attention (award nominations, recognition…) when Melanie's Shoshanna was definetly the heart of the movie: she was a great heroine opposite one of the best villans in film history…

As a 24-year-old gal who was born, raised and has lived his entire life in Venezuela, I have to say that everything that Carlitos has posted here are nothing but the facts, and that is our sad reality…
To think that the Venezuelan Goverment spent so much money promoting this film (Even a Red Carpet Premier and a Live

Todo el mundo odia a Chris…
It's too bad the show got cancelled cause it was one of the best family sitcomes on tvland…and Terry Crews was excellent on the show.
One of the best moments: Hearing Rochelle saying that she was going to put her foot up in their kids's asses was funny but when in a Mother's Day episode

It's time for Jude Law

Bien por la Kate
Sounds great, I really liked her first album, so I guess I'll be illegally downloading this one too…

Lo Retro suena bien…
I've been listening this record and Sharon Jones nonstop…so far I love them both!

Me quedo con las originales
I think it will be just like with The Departed, with the original being better but the Hollywood version is the one that's gonna received all the awards and recognition (same thing is gonna happen to Let the Right one In)…

Oh please, you guys don't like the actors speech because they're not talking about YOU!

I really like her performance (and River's of course) on that film, my zapping stops if I catch the movie on whatever channel…

Leyendo Juventud….
As a recent college graduate, living in a different city away from home, I found a lot in common with 'He'' in Youth and that scared me, so I'll guess I have to read Summertime to see how the next years of my life are going to unfold…

I'm with you…it's going to be an interesting night…and just the fact that instead of the usual indie movie and the Big Expensive productions, an animation darling and a nice Sci Fi (District 9) were considered among the year's best is great

La princesita del pop con algo de rock
Travis doing Britney's Baby One more Time, it's the only time that I've heard them sounding so rock and with one of the biggest pop hits no less…

Sorry but the only thing that the US version has in common with the original is the name, the current season has nothing in common with the original premise…So I agree with Smuggy, what really killed the show is the awful writing and the lack of character development…

Sorry guys, I'm with the AvClub, the only thing I don't agree with is that my favorite moment from the Show was Penny trying (and failing) to comfort Sheldon on this Season's first episode.
Penny: is just like on Star Trek…
Sheldon: I missed Comic Con and the New Star Trek Movie!!!
And of course, Penny & Sheldon singing

Well, I never meant to sound fangirly, caue I'm definetly not (I think that Avatar's dialogue was pretty damn generic!) but I guess to you I did, I just mentioned Dana's review because I read AvClub, Slate and other publications and I just happened to agree with her views on the film (including the little shout out

Me gustaria ser mas cinica pero no puedo…
Yes, the storyline is pretty basic, nothing new there (Dances with Banshees, perhaps), but man, like Dana Stevens said in my favorite review, Pandora " is something that needs to be seen. Lord knows it's something to see"…After being amazed by the visuals I went to check some