Where does Big Boo fall under there? Show has treated her with more respect and compassion in the most recent season, at least.
Where does Big Boo fall under there? Show has treated her with more respect and compassion in the most recent season, at least.
Dying in-universe and continuity aren't strictly at odds with each other. It's a fantasy series. Have you seen Buffy?
Well, yes.
Well, that's one way to respond.
Not especially new, but yes.
I guess my thinking is that given it's a reboot anyway, with new young actors in the parts, there's no point in worrying about that kind of continuity dissonance, but I would agree with the general concern of "are we suggesting it's preferable for her to be gay or do a gay character."
Don't they basically get married eventually?
She and Asami are bisexual.
(Hermaphroditism isn't really accepted for referring to people any more but you don't really seem to be malicious here, just thought you should know)
But intersex is considered part of some people's identity and that intersectionality isn't limited to just it but to gender identity and sexuality as well. Being intersex considerably affects people's lives in ways unique to that experience, as frequently from birth they'll be forcibly altered by surgery and simply…
Transition, even the non medical aspects, is not inherent to being trans/non-binary. Transition is a decision up to the individual, and certainly beyond that frequently limited by circumstance. Two of my roommates are nonbinary, they're under third gender or no gender and are still under trans.
It's queer and questioning. Except for the people who don't like the former word.
Well, in fairness, you probably could condense a bit with the first three or four, they get a bit repetitive in formula.
Are we confident that it's strictly a one season thing?
Me and my fellow trans sisters will take it back, damn it. But just the first one.
I mostly don't have trouble with characters like that, Brad Pitt in Snatch or the girl in Misfits, and Snoop for the most part wasn't a problem either, but I will admit that even I needed subtitles for her sometimes.
Your first mistake is assuming a fifty/fifty split of male to female roles.
Good on you, and meanwhile, after coming out as a trans girl, I'm going to happily be pushing my hair to be longer than ever, just like I always wanted.
The title is lesbians and bisexual women.
She talks about it a fair amount, actually, yes. Her and all male dealers/soldiers talking about getting pussy. She's also played by and very heavily based on Felicia Pearson's real life as a drug dealer, who's also gay.