Lovely Bones

Yes , well for some of us, the characters are likable and relatable in a way no one on Friends ever was, the show is hilarious, and while I am not capable of properly determining people's attractiveness for previously stated reasons, these people seem handsome enough.

Sorry for not getting here sooner, I only just finished the episode now. Was caught up in prep for and then proceeding with flying back to my college campus.

You are a far harsher grade than I will ever be, my friend, but your words are beautiful and so very precisely thought out.

Good man. Nixon's pro-war and pro-family.

I believed him, I just don't believe it justifies his actions at all. He was a leader and he murdered people when his duty as a leader was to protect them.

Oh, and Rob? I followed your work, and especially the Mass Effect stuff, on Pajiba back in the day. You're a great writer, man.

Yeah, I love Liara to death and really enjoyed the relationship between her and my mostly Paragon FemShep who remained committed to her for the whole series, but a lot of the others were very good too. Jack's is probably still my favorite. It's fucking riveting when you do it right, doing everything you can to help

I haven't had that option yet because I haven't done a mage playthrough, but yeah, that's. .horrifying and I could never do it.

I hope I didn't come off as dismissing you or anyone for wanting a 'happier' ending, and apologize if I did so. I was trying to espouse intentionally dissatisfying endings in fiction. I want more of them. Done well, I like them, and wish there was a better balance between satisfying and dissatisfying endings than a

It does seem petulant from them at first glance, I'll grant you, but Refusal is. .essentially what I expected and wanted from the get-go once I got into the story. No, it's not a very happy ending. I get why it would be considered unacceptable. Me, I thought the offered, out of nowhere solutions to the problem were

Well, we definitely have interpretations of the story going on here, and that's fine. You make a reasonable argument.

I'd argue that Synthesis was thematically refuted back in the first game, though, as it was essentially Saren's argument to solve the Reaper issue that you as Shepard always completely shot down. A lot of the ideas in 3 are solid on their own, but I like thematic constancy through the whole work. The one ME3 ending

Well, you can get full Paragon and Renegade if you're willing to do New Game + in the first Mass Effect. Which really improves the experience, but I understand if that'd be an issue of endurance if one doesn't have the luck to have been young and immature enough to have kind of wasted the game on their first

My Inqusitor's stance is generally at pretty much all costs to use any former enemies to the Inquisition's advantage, if possible. There are only a few exceptions, where that wasn't an option or truly seemed too unforgiving, where I usually allowed Kirkwall or the Wardens to bestow punishment instead, and only in the

My favorite is Virtual Systems Analysis, but that one will NEVER have a chance to happen.

Right. I think I've very vaguely heard of that episode in such a context, so that makes enough sense.

2, 4 and 7 are up there, though.

At the same time, I consider Lazarus to be fantastic, and I like half of season 5 more than it.

My guess was Sunny's Chardee MacDennis for trivia questions, but that's my issue for having not seen Cheers yet.

Yeah, he intentionally played older, but it messed with the public perception of him. People thought he was a lot older than he was. So he went in and read for Shield in a desperate attempt to cut that image out.