Lovely Bones

I saw the pilot episode for the Bridge yesterday. Not too many thoughts on that beyond what's already been said, I think. It was okay, but I hope they delve into the Mexico-American relations and immigration themes in a better way, more than just paying lip service to things like the DREAM Act and having those issues

@Bitenuker:disqus You lucky Aussie! We don't have Rectify on Netflix Instant over here. However, @apropostrophe:disqus , you missed a perfect chance to get Rectify, as AMC marathoned the whole season a while back. I have it all recorded.

I don't get you, mate. All due respect to you and your opinions and all that, I'm just curious as to what lacks appeal for you, in those episodes. They're rich, emotionally heavy and compelling, what's not to like?

Well, there's a point to the mechanics being like they are, of course. .

No such thing as too meta as long as it has some semblance of meaning behind it. It's fair to argue that the ending setpiece lacks meaning, though.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Okay, we both already know that this comes down to personal tastes from the last time, man. I consider seasons 3 and 4 to be the height of the Simpsons and everything to be a significant step down from it, when the show started to become too much of just a joke machine

Okay, having been reminded that Canine Mutiny exists, I'll admit that it's as bad as seasons 5-7's worst episodes were.

But then the drop-off should be considered to have started in season 5, by your count. Season 5's latter half and Season 7 have far worse episodes than 8 does.

I like season 8 far better than 7 and nothing will ever change that. I might be able to concede that it's not as consistent as 7, but it reaches far better and more highs than 7 ever did, which I would always personally prefer.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus I do believe you mean Susan B. Assthony.*

That's fair. I suppose he could handle the character better under whatever alternative circumstances we have for a potential Deadpool movie.

I fail to see how Reynolds really worked as Deadpool, honestly. He just recited whatever shitty wisecracks were wrote for him without any flair or personality, which is bad regardless of how bad the writing is. He'd be perfect for Barry Allen as the Flash, though, which makes the Green Lantern film all the worse.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Hey, he could totally have a genuine appreciation for comedy. He's not *that* overly serious and. . . I swear I'm not a robot.

That really is a remarkably accurate way to describe his issues with trying to have his writing be fun.

Brian, I enjoy your work and you seem to at least somewhat reasonably argue this, but I will not tolerate this denigration of Turn Up The Radio, goddamnit. It is in no way high-quality, but it is incredibly fun to listen to, which is more than I can say for any metal song, good sir.

I thought we already established that I'm bad with sarcasm half the time, my friend.

Yes, blame my entire generation for an individual's ignorance about Kubrick and/or Arthur C. Clarke.

Godspeed, good sir, I don't know how I didn't think of that. It's his response to everything for good reason, Marge.

Absolutely not. The first anime was crap, even before it was done actively trying to adapt the manga. I haven't gotten to read the manga, but I can guess on its general quality based on how close of an adaptation the fantastic Brotherhood series is supposed to be.

It really wasn't supposed to stay with him or Rome anyway, from my understanding. The second season was supposed to end with Brutus' death, (that was moved forward once the creators realized the show's production was stopping, so that they could at least include some ideas from later) the next two seasons would be