
A post episode periscope interview with the writers revealed that Tammy's reveal was made up shortly before this episode was made/finalized. So things are made up on the fly on this show.

Two things. I expect Boyle to consider sex ending whenever one person orgasms or gets wet.

Favorite episode(s)/episode ranking this season? Here's mine.

Didn't Will Ferrell have a heart attack during his appearing on The Office?

The superspeed thing could just be him not having good control over his powers.

Molly not wanting to go with Noah is probably the dumbest thing ever. I can't imagine there's any possible scenario where that makes sense…barring the reveal that he's actually Sylar.

So when this show gets rebooted 10 years from now, is Jose going to become a badass like Micah (which will be also seen during the interim year comic books?)

They had Bill Paxton season 1, so I'm expecting one standout villain casting this year to keep the tradition alive.

to cover the scent of blood from potential hunters?

I've seen speculation she's on Hellheim. Realm of the Dead.

I can't imagine the show could realistically go multiple episodes without showing or referencing Joey consistently given they seem to be keeping him in captivity. Then again, I guess the same could be said about the plethora or agents that SHIELD had at their disposal that we never see on base.

She's on Baby Daddy too. ABC Family.

Did The Office do the same thing when Michael Scott left? I stopped watching the show by that time and don't know how they handled the guest stars.

It'd be nice to see Holt and Gina hang with the gang outside work.

I feel like the ending with the candy bar is just meant to be an "open ended" ending that'll never be addressed again in show, so I suspect that Rick suspected that the purginol free candy wasn't purginol free. Maybe the company selling the candy was corrupt and just said the candy was purginol free when it really

You gotta be consistently getting laid. That's why the Purge is yearly.

Well JT Dawwg maybe people that create things aren’t concerned with your delicate sensibilities you know? Maybe the species that communicate with each other through a filter of your comfort are less evolved that the ones that just communicate? Maybe your problems are your own to deal with and maybe the public giving a

Pretty sure Morty just needs to get laid and he'd be fine.

Conceptually the thing that I found most interesting to the series is seeing how people cope with loneliness. The pilot episode was really engaging because it was one man who truly thought he was the last person on earth and how he tried to cope. I don't know if it would have done well ratings wise if it continued on