Fragile Hateflower

That's a great point! Plus, where was Emo Rudy when he explained the origins of his cheerleader fear? That seems more like more his area, anyway.

Shannon's coherence made her seem even more evil somehow, because supposedly she loved
Seth but she was cool with just hanging around his house, hoping she
didn't eat him.

Well, at least we all learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of asking our girlfriends to dress up as cheerleaders for our birthdays.

I've been catching up with Misfits over the weekend, and now I'm SO excited to be up to date and commenting on a new review! The ability to discuss new TV in a timely fashion is particularly precious to me now that I don't have cable anymore…

I kind of agree. When I first heard she wrote a book, I was excited about it, but then I read a few excerpts and just felt really bored by the whole thing. I don't know if that's because she leans too much on cliche lady-humor, or if she's just so much more girly than me that I can't relate.

Yeah, when that happened I immediately thought, "Oh no, the 'Claire is a shrill harpy' commenters are going to hate this." But I really enjoyed it, if for no other reason than that Hailey is seriously annoying at times, and it's a miracle her mom didn't drop her off in the desert sooner. 

I think he's Irish, actually. He co-stars in The IT Crowd, which is wonderful and available on Netflix. I wish I could watch it right now…

I think the main misunderstanding here is that except for SAM ROCKWELL, I can't hear anything you people are saying.

I like your interpretation of it, Animal Cracker. Also, that video from The State is awesome! He looks so young and strapping. How dare she call him wienerless??

Absolutely not, and I'll tell you why. I missed the first few minutes of the episode the first time it aired and and I was pretty underwhelmed. Then I caught the first few ass-tastic minutes the second time it came on (after Louie), and this episode was at least 50% better in my eyes.

You're probably right, robin. I mean, he does have that majestic hair, after all.

Fair enough, Arsenio, but I bet it's better than Transformers: The Transformening.

Ken Marino & Casey
Two things I feel about this show:

Jeez, if Adam Scott wasn't insecure before reading this comment, he will be now. WAY TO GO Baby Face.

pheeze, I salute you for filling my brain with Jon Benjamin's dulcet tones this morning.

Me too! I actually got goosebumps for a minute because I thought it was going to be some kind of badass sci fi mystery about what was hiding on the moon.

Chris HANDSOME, you mean
The most shocking part of this is that Chris Hansen is 51 years old. He must be stealing the life force of the men he captures.