
Her storyline is the one I'm most looking forward to. Although, for now, I am really enjoying Arya and The Hound's odd-couple adventures.

I think it was for the sake of the newbies… makes it crystal clear that the Lannisters were behind the whole thing.

She's the best possible person they could have cast as Arya. Seriously she kills me every week.

Robb Stark: whatchu know about rockin' a wolf on your noggin?

Agree completely. Sure, he looks like Fabio, but I can see immediately why Dany would be attracted to him on the show, where as I never quite got it in the books.

So having just peeked over at the newbie thread… has there been any mention on the show so far of the Maegi's prophecy to Cersei? Because they all seem very confused about why Cersei hates Margery so damn much. And if the prophecy hasn't come into play on the show, it's going to make a lot of Cersei's motivations