Skip, in Outer Space

Really the whole Campbell family's

So Stan for stealth season MVP? He and Peggy are gonna end up running that company

Getting Danny McBride would be the first time Survivor stunt casting would be worthwhile.

And iirc it involves someone changing after getting a part in a play

The shot of Cutler in the hallway watching Stan and whats-her-name fucking almost took me out of the show with how Twin Peaks it looked. Creepy

LSD: Good

I started the Autobiography of Malcolm X and S3 of Dawson's Creek after a long break from the show. So long I forgot how much I hated Dawson, he is the worst. His plot so far is hooking up with a manic pixie dream badgirl, not good. Everyone else is still enjoyable, Pacey is the best. Finally watched Y Tu Mama Tambien

I've totally turned around on Eddie, him making Final 5, with a decent shot at Final 4, is one of the funniest things I've seen on Survivor. He's like a dumb dog just hanging out at camp.

Roger's "I've just got good news" was the line of the episode. It's great to see him prove he's still got it after a few seasons of worry that Pete will overtake him

Peggy and Stan resuming their Broship is possible!!! Such hope for the future.

Andrea broke one of the primary rules, never get cocky.

I didn't realize until Peggy and co left that I was holding my breath the whole scene, so tense. Then Peggy dropping the "change the conversation line" just knocked me out, she's become Don

Noooooooooooooooo, I'll miss the Stan and Peggy gossip so very much

Dawn is gonna be a massive wreak if she gets to the family episode and/or has to talk to the jury. There's no way she'll hold it together.


Pete tries so hard to be Don and he always crashes and burns in the most spectacular ways. There was no way his affair in the city was lasting long but I didn’t expect it to end so quickly and dramatically. Trudy shows off just how badass she can be after seasons of the nice housewife act with the occasional flash of

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

I've been sobbing on and off for the past hour or so. This is hitting me harder than I thought it would. Like a lot of people when I was first seriously getting into movies At the Movies was vital for me. Now I'm gonna turn down the lights and watch a bunch of movies in honor. And how perfectly heartbreaking was it

Foo paws

I binged on Kurosawa as hard as I could. Had never seen a movie of his but got in Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Rashomon, High and Low, The Bad Sleep Well, Ikiru, Stray Dog, Sanjuro, Throne of Blood, and Drunken Angel by the time Hulu closed up shop.