robin williams

taste the sad

I could listen to a clip of him saying 'hey, you wanna zagnut' from some scene in beetlejuice over and over.


Ok. I am wearing the bicentennial man suit right now…seems to be working out.

Does this involve the devil in georgia?

Since I didn't watch that video, I am trying to figure out how her boobs are much larger than I previously remember not seeing.

i luv video
I luv video in austin, on airport near 51st is the best (at least in austin). Vulcan is good too, but I luv video is closer.

Obviously the test of any independent video store worth a shit is to see if it carries the most mainstream, previous seasons of currently running tv shows.

So what is working overtime for these dudes?
Do they send off an extra email on the blackberry?

While it is incredibly homophobic, it also sounds like a diss track to superheros (is it DOOM the character or Dumile the person talking?). But yeah, I was taken back a bit my first run through the song.

St. Ides of March…31st
My special lady friend really likes these guys, starting with picaresque. I don't think she got into 'her majesty'. Anyway, I cannot for the life of me enjoy this band. Maybe a song here or there, but his voice…

I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but there is this old skit show, 'Mr. Show'…I heard it is pretty funny. Has that david cross guy…I think he was in the drew carey show for a bit.

A lot of these albums are great, but the skit crap is something that almost always turns me off of listening to an album all the way through. I always have to skip a lame skit, a badly recorded phone message, etc.

I love self titled albums with a song that shares the title.

Did they mention what club that happened in?

I remember when VH1 was the old persons video channel. Billy Ocean and Phil Collins all the time.

Seconded or thirded or whatever on Gary Stewart. That guy is all about drinking songs…some pretty fun, but overall very depressing.

I personally like 'for all intents and purposes' said as 'for all intensive purposes'.

Haha, I remember reading a TV Guide about the whole move to Thursday nights against the Cosby show. The cover had Bill on the front and Bart sitting on his shoulder (I think).

Man, anyone remember the old butterfinger commercials with the simpsons (mostly bart)…those were cool.