robin williams

the way they spell 'Denis'
I am looking forward to the write-ups on Iron Giant and Triplets.

These guys have been around for 10 years???
I will admit I am not a huge fan of these guys (don't hate them or anything, just would rather listen to other instrumental bands make sonic dreamscapes), but damn, I did not know they have been around that long.

Here I thought that Fantastic Fest always sounded like awesome stuff, like a great collection of grindhouse/B movie/independent stuff type things. But just a bunch of self-serious, small time horror movies…ugh.

and by they, I mean me.


That's the point. It makes people put up with SNL in hopes that the ep they're watching has been Timberlake'd. When they're thirst for him hasn't been Justified, then they swear to not watch again…only to succumb to another potential moment of JT next week.

I heard he was remaking Death at a Funeral with Zack Snyder, based on the classic re-imagining that Chris Rock did later this year.

Hopefully Rosanne Barr.

Hey, World News Tonight with 'CHARLES' Gibson isn't nothing.

I love apply
I want a batman-esque utility belt that holds both generations of iPhone (and space for two more), several rev's of iPod video/classic, some ipod nano's and a few shuffles. That and I can clip the macbook air on the back and it would be like a paddle.

I am surprised the hard drives in my video ipod (from a few years back) has survived all the drops and constant jarring from working out. A shuffle or other solid-state mp3 player would be good for this.

It actually only interrupts you every 5th song or so to let you know what you have been listening to. Except it does it in the annoying 'playlist roundup' type way.

yeah, I had a feeling at that point he was doing the interview in his underwear.

I have not heard of this show, I will have to check it out, because this guy was awesome as Hal. Also Weeds is not that great. I watched seasons 1 and 2, and then started on 3, but just couldn't keep interested. I think I had recently watched a few seasons of the wire between weeds 2 and 3, so that may have done

So how do you suffer from these chips?

I personally like the Global Cooling popsicles.

Pasty J is part of the Lays street team.

That mid-clip screen cap
Looks like they are about to take 'Fuck Me' to new literal heights.

Yes. I incorrectly thought of this as the track from 'Bust a Move'…but yeah, it sounds really shitty. Like Timbaland's LA Gear to It Takes Two's Nike.

Actually, that song is like a bad combo of Cee- lo and Moby.