
I guess we are in the minority but my sisters, brother in law and I were all rooting for Max. Now that he's gone, I hope Derrick wins (or Alejandra). And Suzy gets booted out asap.

I weirdly love Max. Along with Christian and the guy with dyed hair and piercings, he is the one I am rooting for.

Well that's the difference between eating and a restaurant and watching a tv show. And you might have a point if his food sucked- but it didn't, so the personlaity just gave him an extra boost.

Jess just grates on my nerves. He isn't that great looking (sorry to be so shallow) and he has an incredibly annoying personalty.

That is way too high a score. I love reality cooking shows and hated this one. Will not be watching again. Don't like Rocco's attitude and the whole two party setup just doesn't work. And the constants watching each other cook while waiting their turn? Makes for awkward dialogue.

I, for one, was so happy that he won. I liked each of the top four but towards the end Flloyd became my favorite. The way he chocked up after receiving the coin by the military challenge- it just made me really like him as a person.

its actually the same thing. they viewed the videos on myspace and picked contestants from there and from an open call audition.

I also really like the auditions process for the same reason mentioned above- it lets you know who to root for during Vegas week. If not for the auditions I would never have fell in love with Teddy last season (who didn't make it through Vegas week despite his awesome audition and who is not coming back this year.

Same here. My mother absolutely did not believe in "mental health" days so while my best friend decided to skip school every Friday, I showed up every day, cold or not (unless I was REALLY sick- like with the flu or strep). Unfortunately my school did not award such feats but if so I probably would have won it

Did Anyone Notice?
In the scene between Britney and Santana, Britney's side bang thingy kept alternating from down to up. Oops

I graduated 8th grade in 2003 and we had a graduation. No caps and gowns- we wore white blouses and black pleated skirts (it was an all girls school) but we all walked down and there was a valedictorian AND saluditorian, both who gave a speech.

Actually, that depends on how your pronounce orange. Or-ange rhymes with those phrases (and a phrase rhyming with a word is very different than a word rhyming with a word); Ah-range does not.

if it makes you feel better, one was sweating through his shirt- not something you want everyone to see on television.

For me, the best part of the episode was when Alex revealed that he used to be fat. It was inspiring how he turned his life around and touching how he connected with his biggest loser partner.

I have a nice sized group of friends who are TC fans and they all are sticking with it. But from all of them, only my sister and I read AV club. And sometimes episodes/reviews don't warrant a comment- but I ALWAYS read the review.

And also the "Cuddy's incredulity over House and Cuddy's relationship" line- I think it is supposed to be "THIRTEENS incredulity…."

I might be a little fatigued, but not enough to completely write off Top Chef Masters- I say give it a few more episodes at least. After all, lets say everyone was too overdosed on the Top Chef franchise to watch All Stars- we would have missed out on a great season. So far (if I continue to watch it) I am

One episode to review
As another regular viewer, I didn't particularly like this episode, and would perhaps have enjoyed it more if the singing remained in the background, but I do appreciate the risk. I think the reason I found it tolerable is because it was supposed to be an EVENT- a one time thing. Which is why,

I like House better now that he is a druggie again.

I actually was pro-Huddy (but not the plot lines that came along with it) but am strangely excited that House is back on drugs.