
I guess Channing's participation in the franchise was IN THE CARDS!

Karma Sutra?

And Jean Kasem would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for Casey's meddling kids.


I haven't found them. I repeat, I haven't found them.

Notice the French spelling of his first name. He'll give in.

Shmi Skywalker'd


Gold Bikini Year XXX: She'll Still Leia

Star Wars Episode VII: Stop Talking About Our Cast in Terms Of Black and White, As Only A Sith Deals In Absolutes, Starring John Boyega

Slave jammed

Yeah. If she weren't a woman of color, I'd have thought it was a Star Wars movie.

Surface bombs from X-wing fighters, stance to B-boy actors fracture
Negative thirty below wind chill factor
The counteraction is just a helpless action of the hapless flinching
My supersonics leave you mute like Maggie Simpson
Taxidermist El-P I defy translation
Instigate and settin quakes throughout your whole situation

I don't see why people were up in arms over that, but at the same time, it wasn't particularly funny.

El-P. No? ::leaves::

I've always thought Mr. and Mrs. Smith is really good, and I don't even care much for Jolie most of the time. I haven't seen very many of her movies, to be honest.

I get bothered by news of exes I didn't particularly care about when I dated them for two months 15 years ago. It's normal.

$55 and time served.

Your mom gave me handjobs.

I hopped on the Aisha Tyler bandwagon back when she hosted "The Fifth Wheel," because I used to watch those kinds of shows.